New penis pictures and photos of Adam Garcia. I admit I simply adore this stud with a hunky body! Adam Garcia is an Australian actor and tap dancer of partial Colombian descent.

Statistics for Adam Garcia:
Cock size: 7.4 inches
Birthday: 1973-06-01
Born in: Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia
Current occupation: Actor
Adam Garcia is best known for: The Body in the Library (TV) (2004), Fascination (2004), Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004), Love’s Brother (2004), The First Million Is Always the Hardest (2002), Riding in Cars with Boys (2001), Bootmen (2000), Coyote Ugly (2000), Dream Team (TV series) (1997), Wilde (1997)

Garcia left university to take the role of the Slide in the production of the musical Hot Shoe Shuffle, which toured Australia for two years before transferring to London, England. Garcia played Doody in the West End’s version of Grease in London.

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