Sexy penis pics and photos of Alexander Skarsgard. Everyone does just adore this stud with a hunky body! Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård is a Swedish actor.

Statistics for Alexander Skarsgard:
Cock size: 8.1 inches
Birthday: 1976-08-25
Born in: Stockholm, Sweden
Current occupation: Actor
Alexander Skarsgard is best known for: The East (2012), Battleship (2012), Disconnect (2012), Straw Dogs (2011), True Blood (TV series) (2008-2011), Melancholia (2011), Trust Me (2010), A Drop of True Blood (TV series) (2010), 13 (2010), Beyond the Pole (2009), Exit (2006), Cuppen (TV) (2006), Kill Your Darlings (2006), The Last Drop (2006), Om Sara (2005), Double Shift (2005), The Dog Trick (2002), Zoolander (2001), Kites Over Helsinki (2001), Wings of Glass (2000), White Water Fury (2000), Judith (TV) (2000), The Diver (2000), D-dag – Lise (TV) (2000), Happy End (1999)

Skarsgård was born in Stockholm, Sweden. A director friend of his father gave Skarsgård his first film role when he was seven years old.

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