Sexy cock pictures and photos of David Cassidy. We all just adore this stud with a hunky body! David Bruce Cassidy is an American actor, singer, songwriter and guitarist.

Information for David Cassidy:
Nationality: American
Cock size: 7.4 inches
Birthday: 1950-04-12
Born in: New York City, New York, USA
Current occupation: Singer, Actor
David Cassidy is best known for: David Cassidy Part II – The Remix (2007), A Touch of Blue (2003), Then and Now (2001), When I’m a Rock ‘n’ Roll Star (1998), David Cassidy’s Partridge Family Favorites (1998), Old Trick New Dog (1996), Didn’t You Used to Be? (1992), David Cassidy (1990), Greatest Hits Live (1986), Romance (1985), Getting It In The Street (1976), Home Is Where the Heart Is (1976), The Higher They Climb (1975), David Cassidy Forever (1975), David Cassidy’s Greatest Hits (1974), Cassidy Live! (1974), Dreams are Nuthin’ More than Wishes (1973), Rock Me Baby (1972), Cherish (1972)

Cassidy was one of the contestants on Celebrity Apprentice 2011. David Cassidy was born at Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital in New York City, New York, the son of actor Jack Cassidy and actress Evelyn Ward.

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