Hot cock pics and photos of Joseph Fiennes. Everyone must just adore this stud with a sexy body! Joseph Fiennes is an English film and stage actor.

Statistics for Joseph Fiennes:
Nationality: English
Cock size: 8.7 inches
Birthday: 1970-05-27
Born in: Solsbery, England
Current occupation: the actor
Joseph Fiennes is best known for: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003), Leo (2002), Killing Me Softly (2002), Enemy at the Gates (2001), Dust (2001), Ransid Aluminium (2000), Enemy at the Gates (2000), Forever Mine (1999), Shakespeare in Love (1998), Elizabeth (1998), Stealing Beauty (1996)

Fiennes was born in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England in 1970, the son of novelist Jennifer Lash and photographer Mark Fiennes. Fiennes was briefly educated in the Republic of Ireland and then at Swan School For Boys, an independent school in Salisbury, before passing his 11+ exam and continuing to Bishop Wordsworth’s School, a voluntary-aided state day grammar school, in the Cathedral Close of the city.

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