Sexy penis pictures and photos of Kid Rock. You must simply adore this man with a hunky body! Robert James “Bob” Ritchie, known by his stage name Kid Rock, is an American singer-songwriter, musician and rapper with five Grammy Awards nominations.

Information for Kid Rock:
Nationality: American
Cock size: 9.5 inches
Birthday: 1971-01-17
Born in: Romeo, Michigan, USA
Current occupation: Singer, Actor
Kid Rock is best known for: Chillin’ The Most (2012), Born Free (2010), Kid Rocks American Circus (2010), Rock N Roll Jesus (2007), Live Trucker (2006), Kid Rock (2003), Cocky (2001), The History of Rock (2000), Devil Without a Cause (1998), The Polyfuze Method Revisited (1997), Early Mornin’ Stoned Pimp (1996), Fire It Up! (EP) (1994), The Polyfuze Method (1993), Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast (1990)

Kid Rock released the follow-up in 2001, Cocky. He made his comeback in 2007.

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