Hot penis pictures and photos of Michael C. Hall. I admit I just love this stud with a hot body! Michael Carlyle Hall is an American actor whose television roles include David Fisher on the HBO drama series Six Feet Under and Dexter Morgan on the Showtime series Dexter.

Information for Michael C. Hall:
Nationality: American
Cock size: 7.9 inches
Birthday: 1971-02-01
Born in: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Current occupation: Actor
Michael C. Hall is best known for: East Fifth Bliss (2010), Peep World (2009), “Dexter” (48 episodes, 2006-2009), Gamer (2009), Mysteries of the Freemasons (2006) (TV), “Six Feet Under” (63 episodes, 2001-2005), Bereft (2004) (TV), Paycheck (2003)

Hall was born in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hall attended Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, graduating in 1989.

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