Hot penis pictures and photos of Michael Sheen. We all simply adore this stud with a sexy body! Michael Christopher Sheen, OBE, is a Welsh stage and screen actor.

Statistics for Michael Sheen:
Nationality: English
Cock size: 8.9 inches
Birthday: 1969-02-05
Born in: Newport, Gwent, Wales, UK
Current occupation: Actor, Singer
Michael Sheen is best known for: Evolution (2006), The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse (2005), Kingdom of Heaven (2005), Dead Long Enough (2005), The Banker (2004), Dirty Filthy Love (2004) (TV), Laws of Attraction (2004), The Open Doors (2004), Timeline (2003), The Deal (2003) (TV), Underworld (2003), Bright Young Things (2003), The Four Feathers (2002), Heartlands (2002), Lost in France (1998) (TV), Wilde (1997), Mary Reilly (1996), Othello (1995), Gallowglass (1993) (TV)

In the 2000s, while continuing to make sporadic stage appearances, Sheen became known primarily as a screen actor. In the 2010s, Sheen has divided his time between film, television and theatre work.

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