Sexy penis pictures and photos of Sean Faris. We all simply adore this man with a sexy body! Sean Hardy Faris is an American model and actor.

Statistics for Sean Faris:
Nationality: American
Cock size: 6.2 inches
Birthday: 1982-03-25
Born in: Houston, Texas, USA
Current occupation: Actor
Sean Faris is best known for: Signed in Blood (2010), Amsterdam (2010), The King of Fighters (2010), Brooklyn to Manhattan (2009), Ghost Machine (2009), Forever Strong (2008), Never Back Down (2008), Manifest Destiny (2008), “Reunion” (13 episodes, 2005-2006), Yours, Mine and Ours (2005), The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green (2005), “Life As We Know It” (13 episodes, 2004-2005), Sleepover (2004), House Blend (2002) (TV), Pearl Harbor (2001), Twisted (2001)

Faris was born on March 25, 1982 in Houston, Texas, the son of Katherine and Warren Stephen Faris. Faris has starred in many different projects, including two television shows, Life As We Know It, and Reunion, both canceled before the end of their first season.

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