Hot penis pictures and photos of Shemar Moore. I admit I simply adore this guy with a hot body! Shemar Franklin Moore is an American actor and former male fashion model.

Statistics for Shemar Moore:
Nationality: American
Cock size: 9.5 inches
Birthday: 1970-04-20
Born in: Oakland, California, USA
Current occupation: Model, Actor
Shemar Moore is best known for: Kill Me, Deadly (2012), “Criminal Minds” (2005-2011), Motives 2 (2007), Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005), Greener (2004), The Seat Filler (2004), Reversible Errors (TV) (2004), Motives (2004), Chasing Alice (TV) (2003), The Brothers (2001), Box Marley (2000), Mama Flora’s Family (TV) (1998), Butter (1998), Hav Plenty (1997)

Moore was born in Oakland, California, the son of Marilyn Wilson, a business consultant, and Sherrod Moore. Moore played the role of Malcolm Winters on The Young and the Restless for eight years.

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